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Nomenclatural DB

Taxon search

Are you looking for one or more taxa in Russulales? Fill in one or more of the following fields and browse our database...


Please select one of the options if you want your search restricted to one or more ranks. Otherwise, taxa published on all ranks will be included in the results.

Genus:     Epithet:  

Please specify either the genus or the species/infraspecific taxon (you may type in only the initial letters) of the name you are looking for. If you want to see information about one or more genera, type "." in the Epithet field.


It is possible to select only the species described by a particular author. Type in a part of the author's standard abbreviation according to 'Authors of fungal names' (e.g.: "Fr." for Elias Magnus Fries; "Romagn." for Henri Romagnesi).

Years from:     to:  

Specify a start/end date if you want to limit your search within a time span.

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