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Russula zelleri Burl.
Mycologia [BPH] 28 (3): 256. 1936.

Original diagnosis

Russula Zellerii sp. nov.

Pileo e convexo plano-depresso, viscoso, vinaceo, 9 cm. lato; margine livido demum lilacino, striato; lamellis ex albo pallidis, aequalibus, subliberis, confertis, latis, subdistantibus, antice furcatis; carne alba, miti, fragilissima; stipite albo, glabro, sursum attenuato, 1–1.5 cm. × 5–6 cm.; sporis pallide alutaceis (Repertoire de Couleurs pl. 36 t-2), echinulatis, 7.5–8 µ × 8.75–9.3 µ.

Pileus convex becoming plane then somewhat centrally depressed, up to 9 or more cm. broad; surface anthrocene purple to taupe brown at the center, becoming in mature specimens vinaceous lilac to deep purple vinaceous at the margin and taupe brown at the center, slimy viscid when wet, with separable tough cuticle, glabrous; margin soon striate, becoming coarsely striate tuberculate for 2 cm. toward the center, thin; context white, unchanging, fragile, pleasantly mild; lamellae fleshy white becoming pale ecru tone 2 when mature, equal, a few forking near the margin, venose connected, broad, rather distant, rounded at the outer end, narrowed at the inner end and attached by a line, appearing nearly free; stipe white, unchanging, tapering upwards, glabrous, 1–1.5 cm. by 5-6 cm.; spores maize yellow tone 2, ellipsoid, echinulate, apiculate, unsymmetrical, 7.5-8 µ × 8.75–9.3 µ, rarely with a few connecting lines between scattered protuberances of various sizes.

Type locality: Campus of Oregon State College at Corvallis, Oregon. Type No. 7170 in part in the herbarium of the Oregon State College, and in part in the author’s herbarium.

Habitat: On clay soil in grass and moss under Picea sitchensis.


Holotypus: Burlingham 7170
North America: United States: Oregon: Corvallis, Campus of Oregon State College
On clay soil in grass and moss under Picea sitchensis

Published type studies: Hesler 1961




SEM photos