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Nomenclature Russula ornaticeps Burl. Original diagnosis Russula ornaticeps sp. nov. Pileus convex-umbilicate, expanding when mature, with margin drooping, at legth somewhat infundibuliform in old age, up to 10 cm. broad; surface variegated in color, Parma-violet, lilac mauve and bluish-violet intermingled with grayish-violet, the lilac mauve being usually in the center, surrounded by the indigo with bluish-violet on the margin, covered with a pruinose bloom, viscid when wet, the pellicle separable half way to the center; margin even, when young, somewhat striate-tuberculate when mature; context white, except next to the cuticle, where it is tinged with the surface color, mild then slowly slightly acrid in and next the cuticle; lamellae fleshy-white, cometimes becoming rusty spotted near the edge, equal, some forking near the stipe, venose-connected, narrowed at the inner end, rounded at the outer, close; stipe white, occasionally washed with a faint tinge of violet, sometimes pruinose at the apex, irregularly striate, nearly equal to abruptly narrowed at the base, 5–7 × 1.5–2 cm.; spores fleshy-white (t. 4), broadly ellipsoid, appearing minutely echinulate under the 1/6 objective and reticulate under the oil immersion, 6.25 × 7.5 µ. Type locality: Newfane Hill, Vermont, 1,600 ft. elevation. Typification Holotypus: not designated.
Nomenclatural notes
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