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Literature DB

Through this page you'll be able to search among our database of references to articles and books dealing with Russulales. Please fill in at least one of the fields in the form below.


Enter in the following fields the surname(s) of the author(s) of the publication you are looking for. If you want to specify also the initals of the name, use the following form: "Romagnesi, H."



You can search for a word or phrase in the title of the paper.

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You may optionally specify a time span within which you want to look for publications. Since the effective publication year may differ from the one printed on the publications, we will interpret the boundaries you give in the wider sense.

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Kind of publication

It is possible to restrict the search to publications appeared as articles in journals, to books, or both (default and suggested).

Books Articles


Show only publications dealing with (or including):

Taxonomy Systematics Nomenclature
Type studies Monograph / Flora Keys
Morphology Distribution Conservation
Ecology Mycorrhizae Toxicity / Edibility